Legal Notice

Legal Notice

This Legal Notice regulates the access, navigation and use of the website (hereinafter «Website»).

The conditions established in this Legal Notice are of supplementary application in the event that the company establishes particular conditions for the use and/or contracting of specific services.


In compliance with the duty of information contained in Article 10 of Law 34/2002 of July 11, Services Information Society and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that the Website is owned by the legal entity Paperlabs Design ESP, SL, with CIF B70576863, with trade name Wall Collectors and registered office at Edificio Centro de Emprendemento Creativo (CEM), Parque tecnológico – Cidade da Cultura, Monte Gaiás S / N, 15707 Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña (Spain).


The access and/or use of the Web Site confers the condition of User, and accepts, from such access and/or use, the present Legal Notice.


The Web Site may provide access to a multitude of texts, graphics, drawings, designs, codes, software, photographs, music, videos, sounds, databases, images, expressions and information (hereinafter, «Contents») belonging to the company or to third parties to which the User may have access.

The User assumes responsibility for the use of the Website. This responsibility extends to the registration that, if necessary, is required to access Contents or services provided by the Web Site.

The User undertakes to make appropriate use of the Contents and services offered through the Website and, by way of example but not limitation, not to use them for the following purposes (i) engage in activities that are illicit, illegal or contrary to good faith and public order; (ii) cause damage to the physical and logical systems of the owner of the Website, its suppliers or third parties, (iii) introduce or disseminate computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems capable of causing the aforementioned damage.


All intellectual property rights of the content of this Web Site and its graphic design are the exclusive property of Wall Collectors, which has the exclusive exercise of the exploitation rights thereof.

Therefore, and by virtue of the provisions of Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of April 12, which approves the Revised Text of the Intellectual Property Law, as well as Law 17/2001, of December 7, on Trademarks and complementary legislation on intellectual and industrial property, the reproduction, transmission, adaptation, translation, distribution, public communication, including its modality of making available, or any other exploitation and/or modification, total or partial, without prior express authorization from Wall Collectors of any content included in the Website, is prohibited.

Wall Collectors does not grant any license or authorization of use of any kind on its intellectual and industrial property rights or on any other property or right related to the Website, the services or the contents thereof.

The legitimacy of the intellectual or industrial property rights corresponding to the contents provided by the users is the sole responsibility of the users, and the user shall hold Wall Collectors harmless from any third party claim arising from the unlawful use of contents on the Website.

Likewise, by providing in any way content (photos, images) on this Website, the user transfers to Wall Collectors, free of charge, all intellectual or industrial property rights and any other rights that the user may have over such content.

Such rights include the right of reproduction, representation, dissemination, transformation, distribution and public communication of all or part of the content, by any process and in all formats or media.


Wall Collectors declares that it has adopted the necessary measures that, within its possibilities and the state of technology, allow the correct functioning of its Website as well as the absence of viruses and harmful components. However, Wall Collectors cannot be held responsible for: (a) the continuity and availability of content and services; (b) the absence of errors in such content and the correction of any defects that may occur; (c) the absence of viruses and/or other harmful components; (d) any damage or harm caused by any person who breaches Wall Collectors’ security systems.

Wall Collectors may temporarily suspend access to the Website for maintenance, repairs, updates or improvements without prior notice. However, whenever circumstances permit, Wall Collectors will communicate to the User, with sufficient advance notice, the planned date for the suspension of the services.

Wall Collectors assumes no responsibility for links to other web pages found on the Website, which may lead the User to other websites over which Wall Collectors has no control, so that the User accesses under his sole responsibility to the content and conditions of use that govern them.

Wall Collectors is not responsible for the use that users may make of the Contents and services included in the Website. Consequently, Wall Collectors does not guarantee that the use that users may make of the contents and services included in the Website, if any, will be in accordance with this Legal Notice, nor that they will do so in a diligent manner.


The conditions of this Legal Notice shall remain in force until they are modified, and Wall Collectors may make these changes, which will be communicated to the User.

Wall Collectors may delete, add or change both the contents and the services it provides, as well as the way in which they are located or presented. The conditions that are published at the time the user accesses the Wall Collectors Web Site are understood to be in force.

The access and/or use of the Web Site shall be understood as an acceptance by the user of the conditions of this Legal Notice and, where appropriate, the changes made to them.