
Returns and Exchanges

If once the purchase process is completed, you have received the item at your home and you are not satisfied with it, or it has any defect, our return or exchange policy applies in a similar way and free of charge in both cases. So, if for any reason you wish to replace your product, you only have to contact us through the e-mail or through the form provided for this purpose at the bottom contact of this website.

We will assist you to facilitate the change procedure in the best way. In the event that you want to return your order definitively, we will refund you the full amount. For both processes, we will cover the costs of collection and forwarding (if applicable).

Product Terms and Conditions

The deadline for exchanges or returns will be 14 days from the date of receipt of the shipment. To be eligible for a return or exchange, the item must be unused and in the same condition in which you received it. It must also be in its original packaging.

Taking into account the above considerations regarding the condition of the item and its packaging, either for an exchange or a return, once you provide us with the information associated with your order, we will pick up the product free of charge at your home.

Refund and Exchange Processes

Once we have checked the good condition of the products collected, we will proceed to refund the full amount of the items for final returns. It will be made within 24/48 hours of such verification, through the same payment method you used for the initial purchase.

In the case of an exchange, we will offer you personalized attention via telephone in which we will confirm the existence of the new product and its reservation for the subsequent free reshipment. If you prefer to be attended by e-mail, please let us know in your request and we will do the same as soon as possible.

If you have any other doubt, or a different case not included in these assumptions, you can consult our pages:

Terms and conditions of use

Legal Notice

Contact information